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Hi, I am Srija!

I am a programer and graphics designer.

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Welcome to my site!

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Loves to deal with designing, learning Web Dev these days. Finds peace in music, unlimited-internet and pizza-triangles. I ❤️ staying inside my cozy bed. A firm Potterhead and Swiftie.

My Skills


Designing, Programming and Development

Skilled with designing in Adobe Ilustrator, Adobe Photoshop,Figma and Canva. Codes in C/C++ and Python. Learning Web Dev now.


Content writing and content curation

Can write short and crisp writeups. Skilled in writing good and meaning full Instagram caption and meaningful text pieces and prompts. Looking forward to learn more text stact.

Get To Touch

If you love Harry Potter and Cheesy pizza as much as I do!

Lets talk how awesome they are! We can design and develop together while having a pepperoni pizza and coke.

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© Srija Adhya ,2023